SWaM stands for Small, Women-owned, And Minority-owned businesses. Becoming certified through the Virginia Department of Small Business and Supplier Diversity (DSBSD) gives you certain preferred purchasing status with State Agencies and, if you are eVA registered, your company is listed in eVA along with your certification status.
ALTOR and ALTOR/50 are both proud to be SWaM certified! We've experienced such a wonderful network of helpful tools and resources along our journey to become SWaM certified and now, we're excited to be a resource as well to any business interested in all that SWaM has to offer.
Whether you are curious about becoming SWaM certified OR you are a government contractor looking to add a SWaM certified vendor to your contract, ALTOR Processing is here to help! We can help any business with their Credit Card Processing needs.
The SWaM Procurement Initiative was established to enhance business opportunities for small, women- and minority-owned businesses and to ensure a level playing field for all small businesses in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
A SWaM vendor is a business that has been certified by the Virginia Department of Small Business and Supplier Diversity and is listed in the SWaM Vendor Directory.


Is there a cost to become certified?
There is no cost for certification in Virginia.
What is the definition of "Minority-owned Business"?
As defined in § 2.2-1604 of the Code of Virginia, “Minority-owned business” means a business that is at least 51 percent owned by one or more minority individuals who are U.S. citizens or legal resident aliens
How do I prove that I’m certified as a SWaM business?
Once your certification has been approved, you will receive an electronic approval letter sent to your email address.
Fill out the contact form below and we'll reach out to assist with your questions.